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Camillus Memorial Day Parade 2024

YES! I want to support the 77th Annual Camillus Memorial Day Parade


Enclosed is my check in the amount of $ __________________                           Download the form 

Name _________________________________________________________                         here

Company ______________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________

City ________________________State ___________Zip ________________

Phone ___________________ Email _______________________________


                  Bronze $25.00 – 49.00

                Silver $50.00 – 99.00

                Gold $100 – 499.00

                Platinum $500 & up

With a donation of $250.00 or more a star will be placed on the “Be A Star...Buy A Star” board, and will have your business or name inserted into the final copy of the Camillus Memorial Day Parade recording.

We also have the Be A Star...Buy A Star” program, $10.00 for a star with your name, the name of someone you wish to be Honored / Memorialized, or your business.

Name on Star _______________________________

(if this is a new star you will be contacted for more information)


Please make checks payable to “Camillus Memorial Day Committee” and mail to: Camillus Memorial Day Committee, PO Box 243, Camillus, NY 13031 or visit our webpage or Facebook for the PayPal and Venmo information. In order to meet our printing deadline for the pamphlet, your contribution needs to be received by May 16, 2024.



                                    ALIVE, WELL AND GROWING

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